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Worthless Human Being

Little puppies with bigger chains
Caring owners with vacant brains
Most of you buy them to get attention
If it was school, you would probably deserve detention
Some of them are bought and some are not 
But abducted are both from their mother and few other
Born not
But brought up in homes
Of human parents who take these puppies on roams
Spending on their collars, harness and toys
Spending on their food and even more toys
But few of these parents leave the puppy locked
In a room when they are on other work
Cry,cry, does the puppy alone 
Shiver a many runs down its bone
And when returns the parent the puppy is ecstatic
But do you dear ones ever think of the sorrow and the plastic
Make up that you wear trying to look nice
I would say these are beings not tags of price
But I am not a vegetarian, I love them crunchy meat
Yet I speak of dogs and their sorrow?
Prejudiced am I? Maybe I am
I do not flinch an eye when the chicken goes bam
And dies to serve its purpose as my meat
Oh shit I'm so sadist, but does a lion take a seat
And simply watch deers roam about in joy
Or does it, when it's hungry, go forth and kill
A dear or two to have a good meal.
But least the lion do not keep it in chains
Rid the deer of its freedom while it breathes on and has a functioning brain
I write this as I know so much 
Like I know things like sorrow and such
But shit I never even saw a lion in person
Hunting a deer, I'm simply a person
Imagining silly things 
I am merely but a worthless human being.


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"We are born green, With wings of white"
To all the Hip Hop, Funk and Street Culture fanatics, supporters, practitioners etc etc. This is how your LOCAL SCENE is going to be in the coming few days. 1)Today took place a Popping Workshop by Debangan Mitra. 2)Wednesday, 5th August...I shall be taking a workshop, or rather a dance workshop, on 'toward Intermediate' Locking techniques, steps, grooves and concepts. 5-8pm at 507 Jodhpur Park. This one is gonna be intensive so yes, "come prepared". 3)Saturday, 8th August... The place to be is Jadavpur University. Writer's Block happening on the campus come with your blackbooks,markers, sketchpad,pens,pencils..whatever you wish to use to make your drawing. This one is 'blackbook centered' so yes no touching the your skills on paper. 4)Sunda...
"Boring class e somoy kill, Art-sagar e ekta dhil"