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Differences is what separates us. Human is one race however, with a variety of different Art forms, different cultures, different opinions. 
This video is a tribute to the great Bengali minstrel, the baul saint, Lalon Fakir. 
In his song, 'Joler Upor Pani na Panir Upor Jol', Lalon questions god. He wishes for a few answers. The two religions, Hindu and Muslim has always been at conflict. There where those who bonded and those who thrived to evaluated which religion was above, which was below. 'Jol' and 'Paani' refers to the Hindu and the Muslim terms for water respectively. There maybe different terms, different languages, different cultural identities, but water is one. 
We are one 
smile emo

Direction | Edit | Concept | Choreography : Deepayan Purkait
Cinematography : Ishan Pablo Ghosh
Production Assistant : Saheli Datta
Cast :
Deepayan Purkait
Smriti Dhar
Link to video :


Top Grossing

"We are born green, With wings of white"
To all the Hip Hop, Funk and Street Culture fanatics, supporters, practitioners etc etc. This is how your LOCAL SCENE is going to be in the coming few days. 1)Today took place a Popping Workshop by Debangan Mitra. 2)Wednesday, 5th August...I shall be taking a workshop, or rather a dance workshop, on 'toward Intermediate' Locking techniques, steps, grooves and concepts. 5-8pm at 507 Jodhpur Park. This one is gonna be intensive so yes, "come prepared". 3)Saturday, 8th August... The place to be is Jadavpur University. Writer's Block happening on the campus come with your blackbooks,markers, sketchpad,pens,pencils..whatever you wish to use to make your drawing. This one is 'blackbook centered' so yes no touching the your skills on paper. 4)Sunda...
"Boring class e somoy kill, Art-sagar e ekta dhil"